October 18, 2023

Something I’m Reading

I’m still working through "Mindshift” by Erwin McManus, which I mentioned last week. Really enjoying this book. .

Something I Photographed


Bought the new Oculus 3… I’m kinda a nerd about virtual reality.  Similar to the oculus 2, but the augmented stuff is pretty amazing!

Something I’m Excited About

I’m in the process of planning a family trip to Scotland in November. Super excited about that!

Something I Can Answer

I’ll be answering two questions asked by a BTB subscriber. Have a question you want me to answer? Reply to this text with your question!

Question: "What's your best tip for growing a social media account?

Consider these three things:

a.) People wanna connect with people they vibe with. So showcase your vibe, dont hide it.

b.) Be crazy consistent. Set a goal for how much you’ll post, and do it. No matter what.

c.) Remember: people dont actually care about you. They follow you because you’re going to help them. So make sure you’re helping them. They are the hero, not you.

Question: "What advice do you have for someone attending their first real estate conference?

a.) Dont hide in your room… talk to everyone you can, all day, and stay out late networking

b.) Find your “conference crew” - people you can hang with the whole time. It makes it fun.

c.) Take notes, and then try to identify 2-3 actionable things you WILL implement when you get home

This Week in Lending

Want to get funded faster?!

A lot of times as investors we have a bunch of moving parts with managing and owning different businesses, properties, and more. With that comes a lot of documentation... documentation you'll want to have dialed in to create a smooth funding experience. With BetterLife REF, we are here to provide and guide you to the greatest funding experience available. With that, one of the most proactive things you can do is get your docs in a row! (See what I did there?)

That's right! It's up to us as the investor to have income & cash flow statements, balance sheets, leases, business plans (for your deals), tax records.... yes, you'll want to file those on-time!

All of this preparation and incredible management will prevent you from being your own bottleneck. Also, why not have an incredibly dialed in view of your portfolio. Canva and other tools are free and will allow you to create beautiful pages representing your past and current projects. Your flips, BRRRR's, etc... all things that show a lender how awesome of an investor you are!

So, take some time to look at your investment business. Have a folder with documents you update monthly or quarterly depending on how many deals you're doing. Get that portfolio designed and updated as well! Be excited about sharing it! And if you have a deal ready and you want to get funded fast, check us out at betterliferef.com!

Something I Recommend

I was always envious of the people who are “ON” 100% of the time.  The people who don’t deal with low motivation, doubt, fear of failure, or those endless days of thinking your whole entrepreneurial journey is about to blow up in your face.  These people were running circles around me in business and real estate and when I finally figured out what they had that I didn’t – It all made sense. 

These people were using a Mindset Coach to keep their eye on the prize and expose them to a higher level of thinking every single day. So when I went to find one of these coaches specifically for real estate investors, all roads lead to Jason Drees. Jason has been coaching me for nearly a decade at this point and has supported my growth from a small time investor to someone with nearly $1B worth of assets under management. 

If you’re looking for an edge to accelerate your growth, talk to Jason. You can get a FREE coaching session through this link

For my health-conscious friends (or those trying to be healthier), I’ve been using MyBodyTutor for years for accountability on my fitness and diet. These guys assign you a coach to hold you accountable, track your food, suggest exercises etc. You can check them out here.

Disclosure: “Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click on the link and make a purchase. However, please note that all opinions expressed here are my own and I only recommend products or services that I have personally used and found valuable."

Your Friend,


P.S. Comment below and let me know your thoughts on this week’s BTB! Please be friendly :)

