April 12th, 2023

Something I’m Reading

I’m currently listening to Bothy Tales by John D Burns which is a story about hiking through the Scottish Highlands. I started this about a year ago and I love this book because it’s written in the present so it really feels like you’re alongside the author as he tells the story.

Something I Photographed


Getting our newly designed welcome boxes for an upcoming launch of the BetterLife Tribe!

Something I’m Excited About

I’m headed to Austin, TX next week and we’re going to record 7 new episodes for the BetterLife podcast. I’m super excited for the guests we have lined up! I also get to be a groomsmen in a wedding there next week for an old friend so I’m looking forward to that. Double win!

Something I Can Answer
I’ll be answering two questions asked by a BTB subscriber. Have a question you want me to answer? Reply to this text with your question!

Question: “How can I identify and address my blind spots as a leader?

360 Feedback. Here’s a great article that explains it : What is 360 Feedback? But the idea is:  you need to be proactive about soliciting feedback from those who know you best.

Question: “How do I best leverage technology to improve my real estate business?”

First, understand that technology isn’t gonna likely replace any of the hard work, it’s just going to make you more efficient at the work you know you need to do. Don’t assume it’s gonna do the work.  For example, tech might help you cold call 5 phone numbers at a time, but you still need to be the one to talk to the potentially motivated seller. Many people see tech as a way for them to be more lazy and avoid the work, but really, it just lets you do more of the hard work and it assists you.

Take a look at areas of your real estate that you feel could be better organized, streamlined, or sped up; begin searching for tools that already exist that could help solve this.  Example:  you are manually recording all expenses on your rental property. What if there was software that could automatically do this, by connecting into your checking account? So start your search for that and you’ll find options.

Second, get into the habit of asking other real estate investors about what they are doing with tech. Most investors are open and willing to share what they use. You don’t always need to reinvent the wheel.

Something I Recommend

Many of you know of my performance coach, Jason Drees. Jason has been my coach now for over 5 years and has helped me personally overcome some limiting beliefs, scale my business, and hit some crazy goals. He’s hosting a free workshop to help with goal setting and mindset growth. You can register for the workshop and learn more here.

For my health-conscious friends (or those trying to be healthier), I’ve been using MyBodyTutor for years for accountability on my fitness and diet. These guys assign you a coach to hold you accountable, track your food, suggest exercies etc. You can check them out here.

Disclosure: “Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click on the link and make a purchase. However, please note that all opinions expressed here are my own and I only recommend products or services that I have personally used and found valuable."

Your Friend,


P.S. Comment below and let me know your thoughts on this week’s BTB! Please be friendly :)

