April 19th, 2023

Something I’m Reading

I finally finished Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne, which I mentioned a few weeks ago, but I just want to stress again: this book was phenomenal. Every parent in America needs to read it.

Something I Photographed


Driving around Austin, TX and spotted this beauty. Anyone else get excited when you see boarded up windows!?  😂

Something I’m Excited About

The BetterLife Real Estate Investing Summit is only a month away - and it's really coming together nicely! I'm excited to hang with the speakers, the VIP dinner, for the eduction, and to hang at the awesome hotel with 300 other real estate nerds!  I think there are still a few tickets left, if you wanna come! www.REIMaui.com - let's gooo!

Something I Can Answer
I’ll be answering two questions asked by a BTB subscriber. Have a question you want me to answer? Reply to this text with your question!

Question: “How do you handle feedback and criticism, and what steps do you take to use it to improve yourself and your work?

OOOh thats a good question. First, I only really listen to feedback from people I know, like, and trust. So that means I don't really read the negative comments on Instagram or YouTube.  Instead, I listen to my family and friends. Sometimes they offer it unsolicited, but usually, I regularly ask my friends and mentors, "Hey, what would you improve about what I just did." Opening up the floor for critiques is powerful - because otherwise people don't usually offer it.  Then, I have to decide, "is the criticism justified or is it just their opinion?"

Question: “How do you make sure a project stays on budget?

Three things:

1.) Know that it probably won't stay on budget, so always add in 10-20% for contingencies and cost over-runs before you start the project. I'd rather be surprised that the project came in cheaper than be surprised it went over.

2.) Get specific bids, and ensure your contractors stick to them.

3.) Avoid feature-creep. Feature creep is a common term in tech companies but it also happens to rehabbers. Feature creep is when you just keep adding more and more to a project because it's cool to do so. "I mean, we put in hardwood floors, we might as well upgrade the counters too. But if we're gonna do that, might as well add new cabinets." Avoiding feature-creep is hard, but that's why it's important to really nail down the vision ahead of time, when you're not as emotionally invested.

Something I Recommend

Many of you know of my performance coach, Jason Drees. Jason has been my coach now for over 5 years and has helped me personally overcome some limiting beliefs, scale my business, and hit some crazy goals. He’s hosting a free workshop to help with goal setting and mindset growth. You can register for the workshop and learn more here.

For my health-conscious friends (or those trying to be healthier), I’ve been using MyBodyTutor for years for accountability on my fitness and diet. These guys assign you a coach to hold you accountable, track your food, suggest exercies etc. You can check them out here.

Disclosure: “Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click on the link and make a purchase. However, please note that all opinions expressed here are my own and I only recommend products or services that I have personally used and found valuable."

Your Friend,


P.S. Comment below and let me know your thoughts on this week’s BTB! Please be friendly :)

