September 6, 2023
Something I’m Reading
I’ve been reading "The Passage” by Justin Cronin which is a book about vampires. It's a fiction book and now a TV show I believe. It’s really well written and I've been reading it every night before bed and really enjoying it.
Something I Photographed
Heather and I at the beach last night
Something I’m Excited About
In my 10+ years of real estate education, there’s ONE thing that holds people back from growth - inaction. Analysis paralysis. Making false promises to yourself. Not following through on your commitments. So nothing fires me up more than hearing people take action and see REAL results (in real estate and their personal life)! Here’s just a few wins I’ve heard this week:
Each of these testimonials are from people who decided to make a change and join the Tribe. They got plugged into our proven system that holds them accountable and ensures they follow through on their commitments (in real estate AND in their personal life). If you’re ready for a change, join the Tribe. Enrollment closes in 48 hours (Friday, Sept 8)!
P.S. If you have more questions about the Tribe, join me for a LIVE Tribe Q&A tomorrow, Thursday, September 7th at 6pm Eastern Time (3pm Pacific Time). I will personally answer all your questions and share more about what to expect when joining the Tribe. Register Now!
Something I Can Answer
Question: "What advice do you have for someone new in real estate wanting to diversify their portfolio ?”
When I think of diversification in terms of investment, I think it’s a good idea, generally speaking. If you have all your eggs in one stock, and the stock goes south, you can lose a lot of money. That said, when it comes to business, I don’t believe in diversification until you’ve already found the financial freedom you are looking for. In the beginning, you don’t need diversification. You need success. And success comes from focus. So focus on one thing, become really really good at it and then you can branch out.
Something I Recommend
I was always envious of the people who are “ON” 100% of the time. The people who don’t deal with low motivation, doubt, fear of failure, or those endless days of thinking your whole entrepreneurial journey is about to blow up in your face. These people were running circles around me in business and real estate and when I finally figured out what they had that I didn’t – It all made sense.
These people were using a Mindset Coach to keep their eye on the prize and expose them to a higher level of thinking every single day. So when I went to find one of these coaches specifically for real estate investors, all roads lead to Jason Drees. Jason has been coaching me for nearly a decade at this point and has supported my growth from a small time investor to someone with nearly $1B worth of assets under management.
If you’re looking for an edge to accelerate your growth, talk to Jason. You can get a FREE coaching session through this link.
For my health-conscious friends (or those trying to be healthier), I’ve been using MyBodyTutor for years for accountability on my fitness and diet. These guys assign you a coach to hold you accountable, track your food, suggest exercises etc. You can check them out here.
Disclosure: “Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click on the link and make a purchase. However, please note that all opinions expressed here are my own and I only recommend products or services that I have personally used and found valuable."
Your Friend,
P.S. Comment below and let me know your thoughts on this week’s BTB! Please be friendly :)